I might have mentioned that I try to sneak in time with my book whenever I can--during my kids' swim lessons, while waiting for water to boil, in my car at a stop light...
Anyway, since daylight savings on Sunday, I have found that, remarkably, I am awake in the mornings before I absolutely, no-excuses-left have to be. What better time to sneak in a few minutes of reading!
The house is quiet.
The kids are sleeping.
The dog is snoring.
Slowly, I reach my arm out from under the covers.
I don't want to disturb the peace.
My book is so close.
It's right there on the nightstand.
My fingers touch the cover. I can feel it.
I am going to slide it off the nightstand, silently, and open it, making sure not to noisily crack the binding...
"GOOD MORNING!!!!!" My kids trot in with their arms full of books.
"Mom, you're up! Will you read us some books?!"
Remarkably, they are awake this morning before they absolutely, no-excuses-left have to be.
What better time to sneak in a few minutes of reading.
I think I'll just wait until the next red light... |