Monday, October 15, 2012

Follow Your Passion

Tonight at dinner we were talking about finding your talent, following your passion, and doing what you love.

Brian brought up that when he was a kid, the three things he loved most in the world were being outdoors, airplanes, and science. Today, through some miracle, he works in a field that beautifully combines all three of these things day in and day out. He is living his passion. Brian as a child would look to Brian today and be amazed.

For as long as I can remember I have loved books. Once the bug bit me back in third grade, I wanted to start every morning reading and end every day doing the same. In between, I tried to sneak in ways that my book and I could be alone, even for a few minutes. Not much has changed since then as far as reading is concerned, but what's so marvelous is that when I look around, I realize that I have built my life around that one passion.

Working in publishing has allowed me to see all sides of how books are made. I've gotten to work with some incredible authors, develop ideas, collaborate with illustrators as they bring words to life with their art. I've gotten to say yes to amazing projects and see them grow. And that's just the beginning. I am following a passion and it continues to lead me to incredible places.

One of my greatest wishes for our girls is that they end up doing what they love. Tonight they listened and then began shouting out what they are passionate about: Art! Nature! Science! Cooking! Won't it be fascinating to see where those passions take them and to watch them soar as they develop their talents?

Soaring above the clouds or "just another day at work"

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